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Two Hour Session

For 1 or 2 people + compatibility reports

2 hr
200 dólares estadounidenses
Online conference or phone call

Service Description

+ If you like you can use up these hours as a personal reading for you. It doesn't necessarily have to be part of a couple's booking - though that too is an option. + For each person I prepare a full channelled written report on what I can see in the aura + intuitive insights on the questions or info that comes through energetically. Reports are usually about 5 - 15 pages depending on the energy of the person and have a lot of valuable insights. These are sent via email before the session. + 1 combined report where I speak of compatibility and how to make the relationship work. Also - what one may need to be aware of and where certain things may come to pass. + 2 hour live session via phone or a digital communications platform of your choice where you can ask as many questions as you may have. This may either be created for 1 person - or if you would prefer - 2 people, splitting the session into two halves. + Astrological charts + save $40

Cancellation Policy

So you got the two hours! That's awesome. There is definitely a $40 discount! And yes - you can either spend this time talking only about you or you can share this time with your friend or loved one. That means that I'll be either - Doing three little written readings for you - one each and a joined reading for two before we meet And giving equal time to both people during the session Or I can put all that time attention into just the one person. You know. Sometimes you have someone on your mind you really want to know more about. There is nothing wrong with booking this session for yourself - or to get a reading for someone you know - providing you have their birthday details. Or - if you want just tell me their name. I don't actually need the charts too much - I can pick up energy and character traits as well as timelines without using any charts. This is also an option. If you just want two hours for yourself - that is fine. Let me know what you would prefer in the booking form. And yes please provide information for the two people or just for yourself. Just as a side note. If this is a shared session - it is better sometimes to have some time apart as people do take some information personally. If you want a very true and honest result it is better to send the information separately to two separate inboxes and I do strongly suggest spend some time alone going through this information that I will send prior to the booking. This will help the reading run smoothly and iron out any kinks in the dynamic. And yes if you like - you can contact me directly or +51 947 119 819

Contact Details

+51 947 119 819

unit 3/79 Barkly St, St Kilda VIC, Australia

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