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Endless messages

After I woke up - I started writing compulsively. To this day I have 14 published books and still going. I publish a predictive almanac every year and also have created several self help books. The main objective is to help people through these tough times we are going through and also have a sustainable vision of the world. So it is not just - esoteric fluff. It’s planning manuals and helping the psyche adjust to the coming world changes. 


The other side of my career as a writer is numerous long written text that are part of my work as a psychic. I have answered thousands of questions, using channelled writing as the main crux of my work with others. I now do more audio work, but before this I was completely smitten with writing. And still write a lot today. 

A preview of one of my earlier books - love letters to myself. A compilation of poems and personal thoughts and feelings.
A few of my books that I have published - photo taken by one of my readers.
A stack of my earlier books - photo submitted by one of my readers.
You can find my published titles on amazon in both physical and digital formats.
Fern Plant
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